Weekly Announcements


SUMMER Office Hours: Wednesdays from 9-11AM, or by appointment. Unfortunately, the church office is not air conditioned…so we have decided to shorten office hours since it gets a little warm in there as the day goes on!

MEN'S BREAKFAST will be Saturday, July 20th at 8 a.m. at the Country House in Alsip. For more information, talk to Dave Barker or Greg Mallory.

CHURCH COUNCIL will meet Wednesday, July 17th at 6:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall.

FINANCE COMMITTEE will meet Wednesday, July 17th at 6 pm. 

GAME TIME: SAVE THE DATE! Our third quarter Game Time/Lunch will be August 18th after worship.
We'll be serving hot dogs. Sign-up sheets are now in the narthex! You'll sign up to bring condiments, buns, summer salads, or desserts. You'll also be signing up so we know how many to prepare for. We have a number of games to choose from or bring your own.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Neat Repeats Resale Stores are looking for volunteers! Come and work in our stores with a boutique atmosphere. Share your compassion, talents, and time. Give five hours a week and make a difference in the lives of victims of domestic violence. Join the Neat Repeats team, develop new skills, and make a difference in your own community. All sales at Neat Repeats Resale benefit the clients served by the Crisis Center for South Suburbia, a non-profit domestic violence agency. For additional information, contact Michelle McCarthy (708)-429-7255 option #5 or [email protected]